
Visualizzazione dei post da dicembre, 2018

The legendary "Death road" ☠☠

La ruta de la muerte is not just a legend, it's a real super dangerous road. And this is why Yes, this is my clavicle. I can say now I have south America stumped on my skin 😜 It uses to be the only road connecting La Paz with the Youngas region, but now it is mainly used by tourists and travellers. While in the 90's there were cars falling over the edge every 2weeks, now the accidents are "reduced" to about 20 people dead since the 2000. In fact it's now theatre of one of the most thrilling tour to book in La Paz. Tour operators take you outside La Paz where biking 64km downhill till Coroico. The panorama is beautiful although sometimes very scary. A small mistake going down the hill it would cost a life. A private insurance is mandatory I'd say it's still worth it. But make sure you book with the right tour company and ride very slow. My clavicle is ok btw 😁 the clinic was great and the nurses and staff were rea