
Visualizzazione dei post da agosto, 2019

Mancora and Huanchaco, all about surfing and parties

After the exhausting but beautiful trekking in Huaraz, a well deserved beach time. First in Huanchaco, close to Trujillo and then Mancora, up north, close to the border with Ecuador. Both cities are not different from any others by the sea, but both have something special. Huanchaco is a good place where to start having surf classes. I didn't miss the chance. As soon I arrived, I tried. It was my first time, so I wasn't that good bud it was soooo much fun. Unfortunately no photos of me surfing, but I took one just before. So take my word for it. 🏄🏄🏄 In Huanchaco there is also the ruin of Chan Chan, the capital of the Chimu Kingdom, a pre Inca civilization. It has been abandoned for many centuries but the complex architecture is still visible. Definitely worth a visit I you are around. Mancora is the most famous beach town of Peru. The parties on the beach can be very very intense, as I tried myself 🔞😎 But I really needed some rest, so in

Huaraz, the longest trek of my life

So, Huaraz is the capital of the trekking in Peru. There are more than 300 lagoons to explore, glaciers and a number of different treks to do. The most famous lagoon is probably Lagoon 69. However we chose to go to Lagoon Churup. Firstly because it was the only one we could do without a tour guide, but also because it was challenging enough to get ready for the big hike of the Huayhuash. Last but not least we would have been back at the hostel at about 3pm, while for the other lagoons you need to leave very early in the morning to be back late in the afternoon. Huaraz is in fact at about 4000mt above the sea level. It's not easy any of the trek you will choose. After a resting day, Cloé and I joined 3 more guys to start the Huayhuash, the longest trek of my life. It takes between 6 and 10days, depending on how fit you are, where you start exactly, the weather and so on. We did it in 7 days. First day was absolutely the hardest one, carrying all the food for the next 5 days.