
Visualizzazione dei post da ottobre, 2019

El Altar, Chimborazo and the indigenous protest

Riobamba is a strategic point for the most challenging trekking you have in Ecuador. El Altar in fact is just half an hour from there. It was my first solo trekking so I was very nervous. I guess I took with me food for 5 days, although I supposed to stay just 2 nights. But I was so excited to go that I corrupted a taxi driver in order to take me to the Hacienda Releche, the starting point of the trekking. At that time all the streets were already blocked for a national protest. We had to leave my place at 5am, hoping noone was around at that time. And so it was. The trek is very demanding. The first 3hours it's all about trying to stay on. A lot of mud and very slippery. On top of that, the refuge wasn't available so I had to camp. All alone for 2 nights. Started walking at 9am, arrived at 4pm, tent on, some food, a beer and some sleep. The 2nd day I could have seen the laguna Amarilla and leave but I decided to stay there for one more day. It doesn't really happen oft

Baños, or swinging on the world

Baños is the first city I visited in Ecuador. It's very famous between the travellers and now I know why. Plenty of activities to go for and quite cheap too, which is not at all a bad thing 😂 If you like iconic places, then you can't miss the Casa del Arbor. Here you will be swinging at an altitude of almost 3000mt, watching the amazing landscape. The picture is mandatory although the reality is much different from what it appears 🙃 In my few days there, I rented a bike and went straight to the Ruta de las Cascadas,  waterfall road. In less than 20km you see 7 waterfalls. Some of them from the street,  some others after a short walk. Riding a bike has been a lot of fun as it's a whole way down,  so you don't need to be a professional cyclist 😜 I've ridden also on the way back but you can ask bus drivers to take it back in town. It will cost just a couple of dollars. It has been definitely the best thing I've done there.